As the name suggests; reserve air. Because in an emergency situation, it's not about your last breath, but rather the next breath you're out of!
And then there is Spare-Air! You assume you will never need it, but in case an emergency situation arises then it can save your life. Compare this to skydiving. A skydiver will never jump out of a plane without a spare parachute, despite his meticulous preparation and training. There can always be an unexpected situation that forces him to use his spare equipment. You don't take a Spare-Air with the intention of using it, but in case things go wrong and standard solutions fall short, this is your last resort.
Spare-Air was first developed for diving. There it has proven its services countless times and saved many lives. Since then, the Spare-Air has been used more widely, including as a means of escape in the industry and during rescue operations. Various bodies make wearing a Spare-Air mandatory for helicopter pilots and power boat races. And there are countless other conceivable circumstances in which it can be useful to have those extra breaths at hand.
The Spare-Air can also add value during snorkelling or to make minor repairs to the boat just underwater. For such recreational use, knowledge of diving is highly recommended.
Want to know more about Spare-Air? Read on this site or contact us or visit one of the Spare-Air dealers. We will be happy to tell you more!
Spare-Air: "Don't go down without it"

The Standard Spare-Air 3.0 was originally developed for diving. It has a capacity of 3 cubic feet. Or about 0.5 litres multiplied by a filling pressure of 206 bar, the total comes to 100 litres of breathing air. It comes in a package with a filling handle, to fill the Spare-Air from a diving cylinder, a storage holster and a safety lanyard against losses.
This same Spare-Air comes in a different package form under the name HEED , as a helicopter escape device. And as Escape as a safety device for industry and business.
For circumstances where the unit is just a little too big, a smaller 1.7 cubic feet is available. Recently, the larger 6.0 version was introduced in cases where more air would be needed. For diving, a Nitrox variant is available.
All 3.0 and 1.7 Spare-Air models are CE marked as escape devices.
Check out the different models, accessories and spare parts on our site or contact us for more information.

Product overview

Spare Air
The original Spare-Air for diving comes in a few variants. Check out the options here. And read more about the specifications.

Heed 3
The original Spare-Air for diving comes in a few variants. Check out the options here. And read more about the specifications.

Spare Air Industrial
For in business, industry and even at home. Always a rescuer nearby. For use in all conceivable circumstances.

Spare Air Escape
Escape from areas where smoke development is obvious in an emergency, such as fire. Suitable for Industry, business and home.

Xtreme Sport



Read here the true stories of experienced and novice divers who owe their lives to Spare-Air. None of these testimonials are made up. In their case, there is no shame, only gratitude!
Do you have your own experience with Spare-Air that should not be missed among the
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